
Art Update! (5-5-2016) (Finally!) & my Patreon LoboLEO Gallery is Live Again!

May 5, 2016

So I just updated plenty of art work that I had flying around  between my FA gallery, DA and more importantly from my Patreon Gallery. Most of the art-work is one year old and most probably annual updates will be a thing here except that I still pretend to update the Store Gallery with new content down the line, probably on July. Yeah, at least better than the 4 years gap of no art update, eh? :/ – back then since 2012 I was just way too busy with my main comic Alpha Luna that was being published in my country, Chile.

A few of you know I also have another Patreon focused on my work of AL. But because I don’t want to force anyone to support me on both Patreons, I’ll be adding all of Alpha Luna patreon upcoming content to one of my rewards at LOBOLEO’s Patreon Gallery as well.  You’d be saving $10 for a pledge of $20 at my Lobo patreon and you’ll have all the content I produce of both galleries. But that’s up to you of course and I appreciate anything you choose in the end, read the rewards at my Patreon carefully if you’re interested in my work, I’ll appreciate it a lot!

The Content at my LOBO Patreon includes the continuation of the Old “Rina’s Night” comic (2 pages a month), “Becoming Wolves” (2 pages a month)  which previously was posted here at the comic section as “Wolfhood” (I changed its name) , if you pledge for $20 you’ll also see Collie’s transformation comic, also 2 pages a month and plus all the additional content I produce a month, weekly sketches and other Image sequence I’m always working on.

So, about this site:

60+ New pics have been added to the Art Section, Including some old pics from previous years that were missing like The “Fatal Bite” commissions pics and others.

The Comic Section has 3 New Comics, one of them is unfinished. All of them work inspired in works of Timid Tabby, thanks buddy!

The Movies section has 3 new videos. The “Mai Werewolf” was on youtube for  a long time, oh My YT channel is this one by the way. The others 2 videos are nothing fancy, just more muzzles growing for fun 😛

In others news since I’m lately very active you can catch me Streaming Online at now and then. I have not particular schedule, but if you click on follow at Picarto it will let you know when I’m Online.

That’s about it -for now – I probably have forgotten to upload a thing or two, believe is not easy to arrange and sort all of my work for publishing , it took me a few days to update this page. And I’ll update it again soon if it’s needed (let’s hope there are no broken links).

Also, Remember you can like my LoboLEO Fanpage to talk about this update and ask me anything since the comment section here is closed due too much spam. For private messages you can contacte me to licantro (a ) gmail. com



Loboleo Patreon


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Lobo Leo © 2001 - 2024

Reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, by electonic media, print, or otherwise—is forbidden without the consent of the author. All Rights Reserved. Characters and concept © Leonardo Vidal aka Licantro/Lobo~LEO.